Volume 7 no 1

Re-thinking conferences in medicine: opportunities and challenges of virtual delivery

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EDITOR’S NOTE: CSPL celebrates the 25th issue of CJPL


Johny Van Aerde, MD, PhD


Our team would like to thank all the authors, reviewers, and members of the editorial board for helping CJPL grow over the last six years.  We also thank our small and dedicated team who have tried to deliver a quality product with limited tangible resources, but with many intangibles, such as passion and dedication. Our articles are available to be read online or as pdfs for downloading to your personal device, all at cjpl.ca.


In our first six years, we’ve published 1000 pages. We have applied to SCOPUS to be included in an online e-library, a process that takes 12 months without an intervening pandemic. With this 25th issue, CJPL is also very happy to welcome its new co-editor-in-chief, Dr. Sharron Spicer, who has already contributed to the journal as both a reviewer and author.

In this issue, we cover many aspects of changes caused by the ongoing pandemic and other crises, what we’ve learned, and how we can grow as physician leaders. It covers many of the cracks in the system that were evident but not addressed. We hope you will enjoy this issue and that it will stimulate you to reflect on what was “normal” and what part of normal is worth returning to in the future.



Johny Van Aerde, MD, PhD, FRCPC, is editor-in-chief of the Canadian Journal of Physician Leadership and executive medical director of the Canadian Society of Physician Leaders.


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