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Volume 5 number 1
EDITORIAL: Are we there yet?
ADVICE: Confidence: a key ingredient in leadership success
PERSPECTIVE: Women and rural physician leadership
Challenge to change: diversity in leadership
OPINION: It’s time to use proven methods to improve gender equity in medicine
Feminism and medicine
Unlocking the leadership potential of women in medicine
How full is the glass? A perspective on women in medical leadership in Canada
Gender diversity in academic medical leadership: are we moving the needle?
Increasing the number of women in medical leadership: gender-discrepant perceptions about barriers and strategies
INTERVIEW: Gillian Kernaghan: inspired by the past, but looking to the future
INTERVIEW: Kim Kelly: a strong and unwavering voice for women in leadership
Stories from our CCPEs
BOOK REVIEW How Women Rise: Break
the 12 Habits Holding You Back from Your
Next Raise, Promotion, or Job
Volume 5 number 2
EDITORIAL: Diversity and equity in the health care system
Mind the gap: thoughts on intergenerational relations in medical leadership
PERSPECTIVE: What patients want: care that is humane as well as advanced
INTERVIEW: Women leading change: perspectives on the Saskatchewan experience
LGBTQ2S+ diversity: leading and celebrating pride
Empowering women leaders in health: a gap analysis of the state of knowledge
Leaning further
The first, the few, the many: pathways to leadership
OPINION: Restoring joy in work
How to increase diversity: views from young physician leaders
STORIES FROM OUR CCPES : A Saskatchewan view on lessons learned and current trends
INTERVIEW: Dr. Victoria Jones: physician, leader, mother, and author
Stories from our CCPEs
BOOK REVIEW: The 10-80-10 Principle: Unlocking Dynamic Performance
BOOK REVIEW: The Introverted Leader: Building on Your Quiet Strength Second edition
Volume 5 number 3
EDITORIAL: Some housekeeping matters from the CSPL and CJPL
ADVICE: Quit multiplying by zero to address
physician burnout effectively
ADVICE: Physician: advocate for thyself
ADVICE: Strategic communication: you can often get what you want
Generative leadership
OPINION: Is health care innovation simply an act of compassion?
Developing faculty to teach leadership
Optimizing physician leadership and engagement in two Canadian provinces: a journey of discovery
Leveraging the power of a just culture to promote
accountability and inform system improvement
Disengagement in health care: today’s new culture
PERSPECTIVE: Why are conferences so expensive?
BOOK REVIEW: All Together Healthy: A Canadian Wellness Revolution
BOOK REVIEW: Professionalizing Leadership
Volume 5 number 4
EDITORIAL: Integrating diversity by developing
OPINION: Better governance leads to better health care systems
What is best for Esther? What Canada can learn
from the Swedish health care service
NEWS FROM #CCPL19: Work to be done to address
Uncovering physicians’ leadership needs in Nova
Scotia: a case study
PERSPECTIVE: Breaking health care leadership silos
Leadership defined for our generation and the next
An emergency department’s journey toward cultural change: a case study
Patient safety in a new age of understanding
Professionalizing physician leadership
BOOK REVIEW: The Empathy Effect
BOOK REVIEW: That’s What She Said