Volume 3 Number 1 In This Issue

EDITORIAL: Why are we not achieving lasting results in reforming the Canadian health system?

Johny Van Aerde, MD, PhD

Almost daily, there is a news story about interactions between a provincial government and physicians or their representative organizations. The variety is striking, ranging from collaborative conversations around what a sustainable health care system might look like to openly hostile confrontations.1-5 Why such a wide spectrum? Why are tangible results for sustainable transformation of our health system absent to limited, even in provinces where dialogue continues? A new vision for the Canadian health care system is urgently needed, a vision that is both inspirational and truly owned by each and all. read article

Introducing a formative approach to developing better leaders in academic medical institutions

Peter S. Craighead, MD

The quality of medical leadership in academic institutions has been the focus of increased interest for the past 20 years, with many claiming that we are in a crisis because of an insufficient number of high-quality leaders. Alberta’s medical landscape has changed significantly over the past 8 years after super-regionalization of the entire province, which led to serious challenges in attracting leaders and convincing them to stay.   read article

POSITION PAPER : More effectiveness, not more competencies

Scott Comber, PhD,

Liz Wilson, MMM, and Kyle Crawford, MPA

Physician leadership is crucial for success in the Canadian health care system. However, LEADS in a caring environment, CanMEDS 2015, and other competency-based frameworks related to physician leadership development have, thus far, failed to create measurable and perceivable outcomes.  read article

How conversations become culture: physicians leading in complex times

Darren Larsen, MD

It is not becoming easier to either practise or manage our careers in the current health care system. How can physicians best show leadership in times of great uncertainty? How can they generate a new conversation that keeps them positive, hopeful, and energized in front of their patients, peers, and in their own thoughts? What follows are nine proposals to ensure that physicians remain the best leaders possible and to help move the profession along in a proactive and constructive way.

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Evaluating a continuing education workshop as a strategy to address disruptive behaviour in postgraduate medical education

Christopher Simon, PhD, Derek Puddester, MD, MEd, and Colla J. MacDonald, EdD

IThe purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of the use of Crucial Conversations workshops by the University of Ottawa’s faculty of medicine as one strategy to prevent and manage disruptive behaviour. Data were collected using post-workshop quantitative evaluations and qualitative interviews.

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BOOK REVIEW: Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance

Angela Duckworth

Harper Collins, May 2016

Reviewed by Lara Hazelton, MD

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BOOK REVIEW : The Health Gap: The Challenge of an Unequal World

Michael Marmot

Bloombury Press, 2015

Reviewed by Johny Van Aerde, MD, PhD

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BOOK REVIEW: In Search of the Perfect Health System

Mark Britnell

Palgrave, London, UK, 2015

Reviewed by Chris Eagle, MD, MBA

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